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Treatments within your workplace


TCM Therapy offer treatments to work organisations, this allows companies to save money due to hours lost due to sickness.


Office workers can be seated at there desk for 40 hours a week looking at computer screens, or a manual job lifting twisting and moving into awkward positions. Think of different jobs and the actions and movements involved on a day to day basis, the stresses and tensions and the emotional affects these have on our body.


HSE reports shows that the average amount of days taken off are 10.1 days a year per employee!!

The reports also show that more days taken off with sickness is due to Muscular and Skeletal Disorders and closely followed by Stress and Depression than coughs and colds.

Can work organisations really afford not to provide a service to their employees? 

Benefits of TCM Therapy attending your workplace not only help to reduce the amount of days taken with sick leave due to Muscular and Skeletal Disorders and Stress and Depression but it also helps boost the employees working attitude and quality of work. 


Please contact us to enquire how we can benefit your organisation and save money!!







TCM Therapy cater for events big and small, we cater for sporting events, charity events, pamper parties.

a few events we have attended recently are Red Bull Cliff Diving and St Lukes Hospice fun run.



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